
Zollverein Park, Zollverein coal mine


At the Zollverein colliery in Essen, the last coal was brought to the surface in 1986 and the adjoining coking plant was closed in 1993. This industrial monument is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Thanks to a concept of “Preservation by new Utlilization” it has now become the centre of creative business in the Ruhr area.

The timeless and functional lighting design increases the attractiveness of the site at night and makes it easier for visitors to find their way around. The illumination of the pit head frame at Shaft XII is visible for miles around and is the emblem of the park. Superlight Compact floodlights in various wattages are used in the lighting scheme.

A central element in the design concept of the extensive park area are steel girders used as poles into which Superlight Compact floodlights of various wattages have been recessed. The lighting design office Licht Kunst Licht won the GE Edison Award 2008 for this efficient and at the same time atmospheric lighting concept.

Lighting design: Licht Kunst Licht, Bonn/Berlin

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